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Resources for Boarding Houses 

Planning provisions

Under the Housing SEPP, boarding houses:

  • must be used for affordable housing in perpetuity

  • must be managed by a registered community housing provider in perpetuity

  • attract a 25% floor space ratio bonus (on land where residential flat buildings are permitted with consent)

  • must meet minimum standards for communal living areas, communal open space, and landscaping

  • must demonstrate compatibility with the character of the local area or the desired future character for areas under transition.

  • Management of Boarding Houses- Boarding houses must provide affordable housing in perpetuity and must be managed by registered community housing providers (CHPs). Registered CHPs must apply the NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guideline

Land tax exemption

Where land is used primarily as a boarding house, an exemption from land tax or a reduction in the taxable land value of the land is available if the land is primarily used to provide boarding house accommodation in accordance with guidelines approved by the Treasurer. Room Tariff restrictions applies please speak to our consultants to find out the maximum tarriff rates. 

Resources for Affordable Housing

Planning provisions

Under the Housing SEPP, Affordable houses:

  • The EIE proposes that the Housing SEPP be amended to:

  • Further incentivise the uptake of the in-fill affordable housing provisions to help increase the delivery of affordable housing dwellings by:

  • Increasing the in-fill affordable housing floor space bonuses available by 25%.

  • Lowering the FSR threshold associated with calculation of the FSR bonus from 2.5:1 to 2:1.

  • The NSW Government has announced new measures to boost the supply of affordable and social housing in the state.

  • Proposed changes to encourage private developers to boost affordable housing and deliver more market housing include:

  • residential development valued at more than $75 million will be eligible for a new state significant development (SSD) pathway, providing it includes at least 15 per cent of the total gross floor area as affordable housing

  • amendments to the existing in-fill affordable housing provisions under the Housing SEPP to introduce a new floor space bonus of 30 per cent and a height bonus of 30 per cent for residential developments with at least 15 per cent affordable housing (note: affordable housing gross floor area is required to be used for affordable housing purposes for a minimum period of 15 years)

  • Reforms to enable state housing agencies to deliver projects more quickly include:

  • a new SSD pathway will enable the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) and the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) to deliver residential developments of over 75 homes

  • Landcom will also have an SSD pathway for developments of over 75 homes that include at least 50 per cent affordable housing 

  • LAHC and AHO will be able to self-assess social and affordable developments of up to 75 homes, including residential flat buildings over three storeys where these are permissible

  • Landcom will be able to self-assess affordable housing developments of up to 75 homes

  • the minimum lot size for dual occupancies being delivered as complying development by LAHC, AHO and community housing providers (CHPs)/Aboriginal Community Housing Providers will be reduced to 400m2 under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code, making more land available for this type of development

  • social and affordable housing projects will be exempt from state infrastructure contributions.

  • Management of Affordable Housing must be managed by registered community housing providers (CHPs). Registered CHPs must apply the NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guideline

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